About Caitlin Policastro


Caitlin Policastro Nurse Practitioner

Caitlin started her medical career 15 years ago in a conventional setting at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in the stepdown ICU. However, she realized she needed a change of pace and transferred to Hospital for Special Surgery while studying to get her Master's Degree to become an Adult/Geriariatic Nurse Practitioner. After several years in the hospital, she realized her passion in medicine was knowing the "why" rather than the band-aid/one size fits all approach.

Upon graduating, she became the Clinical Director/Head Nurse Practitioner at a world renowned integrative medical center that has dealt with an array of chronic medical conditions that are treated on a biological, holistic basis. Throughout her nine years there, she trained with accomplished biological dentists, ND’s, osteopaths, and MD’s and continues to expand her knowledge through seminars, lectures and other certifications/training. She is proficient in HRV, IV therapies (ie: chelation, IV NAD, major or minor autohemotherapy, nutritional, biological/homeopathic), neural therapy, UVB, physical therapies such as LLT, PEMF, HIT therapy, terrain therapy, understanding and use of homeopathic, nutritional and mineral supplementation, muscle testing, and much more.

Although working at this clinic was such a fruitful experience, she had two wonderful children and realized how important it was to be closer to home. Therefore, she started at a clinic that focused on hormone/health optimization using peptides, HRT, vitamin infusions/injections.

After her work in both a conventional and non conventional setting, Caitlinbelieves optimizing your health shouldn't be complicated. It is her goal as a practitioner to carefully craft the most cutting-edge approach to wellness. She makes it her mission to thoroughly evaluate & treat all of the contributing root factors related to your issue.

To find out how Caitlin Policastro and our other health experts can transform your wellness: