IV Acupuncture Therapy
Terrain Health is pleased to welcome Iris Netzer-Greenfield, MAcOM/Chinese Herbalist, of Noa Health and Acupuncture to our Ridgefield offices. Iris has been working with men and women who seek balance in their lives through this non-Western medicine alternative for over two decades.
Iris provides her patients a customized treatment plan, using an eclectic mix of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese-style treatments, which focus on the overall well-being of the patient. Her scope includes Cupping, Moxa and Gua Zha modalities, used interchangeably.
Iris focuses on a wide range of targeted treatments, as well as Cosmetic Acupuncture, including:
Women's disorders (including gynecological issues)
Chronic pain
Digestive disorders
Iris provides her patients a customized treatment plan, using an eclectic mix of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese-style treatments, which focus on the overall well-being of the patient. Her scope includes Cupping, Moxa and Gua Zha modalities, used interchangeably.