Every Member Is Unique
Each person is unique. We help our patients change their genetic expression, slow the age of their DNA (your biological age), and significantly delay or prevent disease. We will carefully craft a program tailored specifically to you and your genes by harnessing the power of nutrition, specific supplements, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and mindset so you can live your best life. This information, combined with an exceptionally thorough medical history, provides our practitioners with a more rigorous and informed understanding of your potential risk for disease and degeneration.
Personalized & Optimized Health Plans
We tailor a personalized health optimization plan for you, which includes the following:
Specific nutrition plan with recipes and macro profiles unique to your DNA.
Optimize your gut health by enhancing the diversification of your microbiome and its functionality.
Personally tailored interventions addressing your goals through multiple “omic” analyses.
Supplementation strategies that enhance your physical, mental, and immune resilience.
Sleep tracking, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and other personalized interventions that will optimize exercise, sleep, and nutrition regimens unique to your needs.
Recommendations on the use of adjunct therapies such as Biolight (near-infrared and red light therapy), Brain Tap (the balancing of brain wave activity and neuroplasticity), infrared sauna, and others.
You Are in the Driver’s Seat
We all have the power to change what happens to us. Your genes are not your destiny. You can alter your genetic expression by how you react and adapt to your environment (this is the phenomenon of epigenetics). You have the power to turn your “good” genes on and your “bad” genes off. Through testing multiple “omics” we will discover your biochemical individuality and figure out the best way to optimize nutrition, sleep exercise, and mindset to help you enhance and maintain resilience for the years ahead. Why wait for the crisis that may be imminent, a few years, or even a decade or two away, when you could just be proactive?
At Terrain Health, we optimize health with lifestyle interventions. In more difficult cases, however, we may need to turn to pharmaceuticals, IV therapy, or hormones. As trained medical professionals, we will never dismiss these interventions when necessary. These decisions will always be made together with you, not for you.
Join Terrain Health
Take this healthcare journey with us. We want to partner with you in delivering patient-centered medicine, teaching you self-care, and looking at health not only as of the absence of disease, but rather as a positive vitality. Change your healthcare experience, and age younger with us at Terrain Heath.