Supplements Help Fight Disease

Order Supplements Through Terrain Health.

Before I met Dr. Robin Rose, I thought supplements were a scam. She reeducated me. Here’s an excerpt from a piece Dr. Rose just published on the Terrain Health blog:

We should all be taking specific supplements on a daily basis, year-round as we do not get enough of these essential elements or micronutrients from our food. During the past half-century, over-farming has led to widespread topsoil erosion depleting our fruits and vegetables of their nutritional value. As a consequence of repeated plowing, fertilizing, and spraying, the top few feet of farmland soil has been leached of its original minerals and stripped of the biological life that facilitates nutrient uptake in plants.

I had seen enough documentaries about the American industrial food complex to know Dr. Robin Rose was right. Our food lacks the micronutrients we need for a fully functioning immune system. Earlier this month, Robin and I took a business trip together during the first week in March to visit some colleagues doing similar work in Lexington, Kentucky. I listened to these physicians describe how genomic medicine was enabling them to more precisely prescribe nutritional supplements based on specific and unique lab testing, and observing client diets. When you become a client of Terrain Health, we will use cutting edge science, lab testing, and other diagnostic tools to optimize your specific supplement regimen.

For those that do not use supplements, we will do our best to educate you in the weeks and months ahead. However, they really cannot hurt you physically, so there is way more of an upside than downside. And now more than ever is a good time to incorporate them into your daily routine. We know they are not cheap and part of our job at Terrain Health is to find good value for you among the myriad of products that are available.

Dr. Robin Rose has spent the past three years developing various nutraceutical protocols for gut-related illnesses and conditions. Over the past month, she’s done a deep dive to optimize the regimens for the conditions of the global pandemic.

Terrain Health now suggests an immune support and maintenance protocol (both basic and advanced) to help in preventing and combating not only COVID-19 but other cold and flu-like illnesses. Please remember this is general information and we encourage you to consult with your physician if you have any questions or chronic health conditions. Also, for those interested in a higher level of care and consultation please reach out directly to and we will contact you directly.

Our families are on the following regimen.

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3 w/K
  • Quercetin and Nettles
  • Melatonin
  • Zinc
  • Probiotic (pharmaceutical grade & shelf stable)
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
  • Liposomal Glutathione
  • Omega 3s

Right now, these products can be challenging to buy anywhere on the internet. We encourage you to be patient with our partners but to also search the web to find the brands and products we recommend wherever you can get them.

We can customize orders for you in our Terrain Health store. We’ve arranged a substantial 20% discount for your first order. Please refer to Dr. Rose’s exhaustively researched notes on individual supplements. She read over 100 peer-reviewed articles and attended multiple webinars with major thought leaders in epidemiology, virology, and functional medicine that are among the emerging experts on the intersection of Covid-19 and the immune system.

With a Terrain Health recommendation, you can be assured that the products you and your family will be taking are safe, GMP certified, triple batch tested, and free of harmful substances and chemicals. It is our mission to make sure you and your loved ones stay healthy, get healthy and remain on our journey to creating optimal health and wellness.

If we can help, please email and we will get back in touch.