7 Signs You Might Need More Vitamin C

Get Serious About Immune Support.

By Dr. Robin Rose

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and vital to our health! It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it is not stored in the body, so it must be taken daily.

It is difficult for most people to consume the required servings of fruits and veggies needed on a consistent basis. Only 10-20% of adults get their recommended nine servings of fruits and veggies daily. Alternatively, taking a daily supplement is safe, effective, and easy.

Signs and Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency:

    • Inflammation of the gums (also called gingivitis): Having low Vitamin C levels has been linked to gingivitis. Other studies have also highlighted the relationship between Vitamin C deficiency and periodontal disease. So get your dose to help maintain good oral hygiene!
    • Slow wound healing: Poor wound healing is associated with decreased collagen formation leading to thinning of the skin and bleeding in the innermost layer of the skin due to fragility and loss of connective tissue. Studies show that giving people high doses of Vitamin C can accelerate wound healing.
    • Dry and splitting hair: This can sometimes be a sign of a Vitamin C deficiency leading to accelerated hair loss. Studies show that Vitamin C gives your hair follicles the collagen needed to not only help your hair stay anchored to your scalp but to also help your hair grow. It also facilitates the absorption of iron to keep your hair strong.
    • Rough and dry skin deficiency: Vitamin C plays a critical role in promoting and maintaining skin health. It activates cells called fibroblasts that boost the collagen level in your skin. This is what helps smooth out fine lines caused by sun damage. Furthermore, Vitamin C deficiency can cause keratosis pilaris, a skin condition characterized by bumpy “chicken skin” that appears on the back of the upper arms, thighs, or buttocks due to a buildup of keratin protein inside the pores. If Vitamin C is the culprit, this condition will usually appear after three to five months of inadequate intake and resolve with supplementation.
    • Weak immune system: Vitamin C is essential for promoting a healthy immune response by stimulating the production of white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes, which help protect the body from infection. Low levels have been linked to poor health outcomes because of a weakened immune response. Studies show that people who develop pneumonia tend to have lower Vitamin C levels.
    • Swollen and painful joints: Our joints contain a lot of collagen-rich connective tissue, thereby making them vulnerable to vitamin C deficiency. The swelling and pain can be so severe leading to limping or difficulty walking. Case studies show that supplementing with Vitamin C can lead to the resolution of these symptoms.
    • Easy Bruising: This is a common sign of deficiency because poor collagen production leads to weak blood vessels. When blood vessels under the skin rupture, blood leaks into the surrounding areas, causing a bruise to form.