Do You Know HRV?

Learn About Heart Rate Variability By Dr. Robin Rose and Christiana Cottrell Heart Rate Variability and its Remarkable Impact on Health Heart Rate Variability (HRV) refers to the variation in time between each heartbeat that is determined by the activity of the cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. An increased heart rate variability is a…

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Live Long. Get a Pet

Pets Enrich & Extend Your Life. By Dr. Robin Rose and Christiana Cottrell Owning a pet can have a positive impact on both your mental and physical health. The mental and physical health benefits of owning a pet reach far beyond the feeling of contentment that comes with the loyal companionship and unconditional love of…

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Optimal Nutrition: A Critical Edge for Elite Athletes

Eating for Health Differs From Eating for Performance. By Jennie Waegelein Food is fuel is not just a hashtag used on Instagram. There is so much truth to it. For the everyday person, the food we eat gives us the energy to go about our lives, drop the kids off at school, go to work,…

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Covid Curated Issue 1

Let The NYT Daily Catch You Up. In the July 6th episode of The Daily, you get one month’s worth of Donald Neil’s reporting on COVID-19. Neil is a veteran science and epidemiology journalist. He filters through conflicting views of the progression of the virus. You learn that COVID-19 is: A vascular, not a respiratory…

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The Clean 15 Foods 2020

The Other Side of the Rainbow. By Dr. Robin Rose It’s comforting to know that there are some produce commodities out there that may be “clean.” While we are always researching what the best foods to eat are, people are always looking at how to buy the best food they can. While it is always…

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The Dirty Dozen Foods of 2020

Buy Organic and Live Long. By Dr. Robin Rose. Not sure whether the extra cash for organic produce is worth it? Read on; you might change your mind. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), almost 70 percent of the fresh produce sold in the United States contains residues of potentially harmful chemical pesticides. EWG’s…

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Brazil Nuts: Protection During the Pandemic

Selenium May be Another Key to Understanding Resistance to Covid-19. By Dr. Robin Rose With the COVID-19 cases exploding inside their borders, Brazilians would do well to eat their nation’s namesake nuts. Brazil nuts contain selenium. Selenium is a mineral that is integral to fighting disease. Selenium is a vital mineral with potent antioxidant properties,…

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It’s All About Latitude

Vitamin D fights Covid-19. . By Dr. Robin Rose We have all heard by now about the amazing health benefits of Vitamin D. We know it is crucial for our immune function and protecting us from contracting and combating the flu or common cold, among preventing and reducing our risk of several other conditions. Now…

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Supplements Help Fight Disease

Order Supplements Through Terrain Health. Before I met Dr. Robin Rose, I thought supplements were a scam. She reeducated me. Here’s an excerpt from a piece Dr. Rose just published on the Terrain Health blog: We should all be taking specific supplements on a daily basis, year-round as we do not get enough of these…

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Eat Chocolate to Fight Virus

For the Best News During the Pandemic Read On. By Aimee Rein Naturally occurring compounds in cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate fights a myriad of viruses including influenza. Consuming cocoa can have a positive impact on our immune system. In fact, research has proven that a diet rich in cocoa enhances specific immune fighting…

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