Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Terrain Health Medical Weight Loss Program

Meet your Weight Loss Goals. Learn what your Body Needs.

When not overseen by a Healthcare professional, medical weight loss programs can be dangerous, and yield only temporary results. Terrain will guide you through a healthy and long lasting GLP-1 Weight Loss program.

Our Medical Weight Loss Program is designed for long term success. Our medical team at the weight loss clinic in CT closely monitors your progress, overseeing semaglutide or tirzepatide injections, and checking bloodwork before, during, and after the program.

Ready to get started?

Book your free 15-minute Discovery call to find out if this program is right for you.

To schedule an appointment or to learn more

Call: 203-900-4416

Weight loss or healthy lifestyle - Medical Weight Loss Program

What is included in the medical weight loss program:

Our Medical Weight Loss program includes:

An initial 30-minute visit with a provider
InBody Scan
30-minute lab results review with a provider prior to starting medication.
Weekly progress monitoring and medication injection by one of our Registered Nurses

**Bloodwork ordered before, during, and after to closely monitor your health and progress are not included in the Terrain Health fee. Blood work will be billed to your insurance by the lab of your choice.

Terrain Health offers many other wellness services. These services in conjunction with the weight loss plan optimize program results. Ask us how you can add these services to your weight loss plan.

CGM (continuous glucose monitor): Follow glucose levels in real time to understand how your body reacts and responds to how you eat, sleep, exercise, and handle stress.

Health Coaching - Transform your health, transform your life. Terrain Health Coaches will work with you to attain your health goals. Learn what works for you. Rebalance your body, shift your mindset on nutrition and lifestyle choices and create a sustainable plan to meet your goals..

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Medical Weight Loss Program FAQs

Medical Weight Loss Program

Your body has a natural hormone, GLP-1 (glycogen like peptide 1 receptors) that regulates appetite and glucose levels in the body, which can promote weight loss and manages obesity.

GP-1 works to balance insulin levels and slow down how quickly food leaves your stomach, creating a feeling of fullness, lowering your appetite and resulting in weight loss with a higher success rate than dieting alone.

The injections delay the rate the stomach digests food, which leads to a feeling of fullness with smaller meals, that lasts for longer periods of time. The medicine also increases insulin production, which naturally lowers blood sugar level.

The medication will suppress your appetite, however it was designed to be used in conjunction with diet, exercise and lifestyle changes for long term success

As these treatments become increasingly popular, programs have been popping up all over the country to offer these medications. Not all the Providers are the same. Terrain Health offers in-person sessions, and closely monitors your progress through the entire program, ensuring safe and effective results. 

You will meet with one of our Registered Nurses in-person weekly for medication injection and progress monitoring.

Most patients begin to see results within a few weeks of initiating medication.

Some patients do experience temporary side effects of the medication, which could include nausea, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, and heartburn. We can manage your dosage to manage side effects.